News - Top tips to increase your property’s appeal

Top tips to increase your property’s appeal

First impressions count!

Take a step outside. Walk through the front garden towards the door, go in the entrance and stop. These are the most crucial moments, when a buyer is forming their first impression of the property. What sort of things is a buyer going to notice in these spaces and what sort of impression does it give? Whether it is tidying up that front garden, giving the door a coat of lighter (or brighter!) paint, or placing a nice pot plant at the entrance, the little things that can make a lasting impression on buyers.

Less is more

When it comes to the amount of furniture in the house, less is always more. Space is always a priority on buyers’ lists, and excess furniture and clutter can really detract from a spacious room. If you can, remove some of your furniture when inspections roll around.

Lighten up

Light is another thing that most buyers look for in a property; how does your property measure up? Now there’s no need to go punching holes through walls for more windows, work on enhancing the amount of light you have already got. Remove clutter from windowsills, take down heavy curtains and replace with lighter ones – and in rooms that don’t have much natural light, make sure you have decent lighting installed. A good trick is to utilise mirrors to bounce more light around a room. This also makes the space look bigger!   two-storey-house-bricked-walls-backyard-swimming-pool  

Street appeal

Take a walk up and down the street outside. Most buyers take the neighbourhood into account when looking at a property. How does your place look on the street, compared to the immediate neighbours and other homes? Look at the fencing, the front garden, driveway and surrounding streetscape. Which of these elements are within your control to be improved?

Keep it fresh

Scent is attached strongly to memory, and affects people more than you may realise. Cat or dog smells, cigarette smoke, cooking or food odours are all a big no-no when your home is up for sale. Open up your doors and windows to get a lot of fresh air inside, then possibly use a scented candle or spray to give the space a lift. Remember to keep the smell fresh and light, as even pleasant scents can be overpowering.

Don’t forget outside

Getting caught up in fixing the house and forgetting about the front and back gardens can be a big mistake for sellers. Buyers are looking for the whole package; a nice home with all the features they are after, and a good outdoor space to go with it. Although buyers are going to have their own ideas of what they want from an outdoor space, you can’t go wrong with a garden that is well kept. Even simply getting out in the garden for a few hours armed with your trimmer and lawn mower can make a huge difference in the overall feel of your property.   victa-woman-gardening  

Inject some colour

Although decorative items obviously don’t come with the house, it never hurts to make sure your home looks its best at a time like this! A vase of lovely flowers, a great piece of art, or a unique piece of furniture can make an ordinary space look much more stylish, inviting or comfortable (or whichever look you are going for!). It can also help the buyer visualise what they could do in the space themselves.

Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes

It isn’t just a home they are buying, it’s a lifestyle. Think about the features your home has and what they offer in terms of lifestyle. Multiple bathrooms? Great for everyone. Large backyard? Perfect for a buyer with kids and/or pets. Lap pool? Suits a buyer with an active lifestyle. Using this, you can get an idea for what sort of person would be interested in your property. You could then make a point of emphasising other features in the home that could appeal to them also; you never know what could get your property over the line!
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