News - Happy Mother’s Day: Classic mum advice

Happy Mother’s Day: Classic mum advice

In the lead-up to Mother’s Day we asked our readers to share some of the wisdom they’d received from their mum or mother figure. We received some beautiful responses, many of them to do with the need for clean undies. But there were plenty of other fantastic entries that are worth sharing!   Occasionally they stretch the truth to make us eat our dinner:

Mum: "Make you sure you eat your salmon."

Me: "Why?"

Mum: "Because it makes you glow in the dark. That's why it's pink like that."

Me: "Okay."

*Next day

Me: "Muuuuum it didn't work! I didn't glow in the dark!"

Mum: (perfectly straight face) "Of course you did. You just didn't see it because it only works when you're asleep."

Me: "Ohhhh."

Much as we hate to admit it, this is one most of us can relate to:

"Listen to your mother.”

  three-generation-woman-look-alike-daughter-mother-grandmother   More of us should listen to this one:

“Don't aspire to be eye candy, aspire to be food for the soul.”

But if we MUST look good:

“Make sure your outfit either focuses on arms OR legs! NEVER BOTH. Leave some imagination to those around you - that's the ultimate sexy!”

"Unless they pay your wage or call you Mum, their opinion of you doesn't matter."

“Always put 10 per cent of your earnings into savings from the very first job you get.”

How many of us wish we’d listened. We’d all be wealthy! The advice that launched a thousand YouTube How-To videos:

"If you can fold a fitted sheet, you can achieve anything"

Too true:

“Pay your own way and you are a servant to no man.”

  blonde-woman-with-her-mother   Still on money matters:

“It's nice to have security, but if you only measure your success by material things, you will never be truly happy.”

On regrets:

"Never regret anything because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.”

And the ultimate threat:

"Sooner or later, you'll all quote your mothers!"

  But there can be only one winner – and it was Sandy-Lee Miller from New South Wales with her heart-warming (and very compelling) story:

“Mum's advice and motto for life: “Your health comes first!” I noticed a lump in my neck getting larger. I was 14 years old. Told Mum, straight to doctors. Yep it was cancer. Thanks to Mum's advice I'm here telling my tale and giving that same advice to everyone I meet. Happy Mother’s Day ladies.”

  Thanks to everyone who provided comments. Sorry we couldn’t include them all! To all the mums, we hope you had a fabulous Mother’s Day! Keep the great advice coming – and yes, we’re all wearing clean underwear!
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