News - 8 staycation tips

8 staycation tips

At first glance, a staycation can’t seem to compete with a proper, suitcase-packed, cocktails-by-the-pool, room-service holiday. And, I mean, when you put it like that, you might have a point. But no! Honestly, staycations can be fun! Shutting up shop, switching off phones, taking a well-deserved break … at home. If you're taking an extended break this summer or, like me, have kids who are on school holidays for the next couple of weeks, here's a few tips to making the most of your downtime.   [caption id="attachment_6751" align="alignnone" width="690"]family-three-kids-stuffed-toys-car-drive Sometimes discovering what is in your own backyard is the best thing about a staycation – and you don't have to drive far to find an adventure.[/caption]  

How to staycation at home

  1. Sticking on your out-of-office auto reply, especially for colleagues who are back at work. “I’m on holiday at the moment. I’ll reply to your email upon my return.” Easy! Now to stick to the plan …
  2. Switching off your phone. Well, maybe not switching off, but at least screening calls. And changing your voicemail message so people know you haven’t got your work hat on. That should work!
  3. If your life is anything like mine, you find yourself at the supermarket once or possibly twice a day, wandering the aisles and desperately trying to figure out what to have for dinner. This is not a holiday! Instead, do a big shop in advance, and only nip out for essentials.
  4. Keep housework to an absolute minimum. Obviously, with my three children, this will be easier said than done, but I’m determined to turn a blind eye to the worst of the mess – although the Weetbix on the rug will have to be addressed, because that stuff sticks like glue.
  5. Relax your routines. Being something of a control freak, this obviously makes my left eye twitch, but I’m going to try not to be so rigid around mealtimes, bed times and bath times. The word is ‘relax’; I might have to get it tattooed somewhere prominent.
  6. Go on a day trip. I’m looking forward to this bit. I’m going to play the tourist for a couple of weeks, and look at my city through the eyes of a visitor. Day trips will be cheap and cheerful, but should still be wholesome family fun.
  7. Make time for yourself. Otherwise known as, “me time”. I have a gift voucher for a massage that’s precariously close to its expiry date, so I’m going to use it. I might even sneak out for an hour or two and go for a pedicure, or a haircut, or possibly BOTH. I know. So indulgent.
  8. Appreciate the fact that you haven’t spent a fortune on expensive hotels, flights and fancy meals. Surely than means you can spend the money you’ve saved on a new pair of shoes, right? Right?
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