News - Plogging puts an eco-friendly twist to your workout

Plogging puts an eco-friendly twist to your workout

Swedes are known for some awesome innovations – zips, milk cartons, refrigerators, Pacemakers, ABBA and Ikea – but this one might just be their best yet. Plogging is part jogging and part picking up rubbish along your route, and it’s making a difference in communities all over the world. On Instagram, the exercise has been tagged in nearly 6,000 posts and various Facebook groups dedicated to the workout have popped up.   [embed][/embed]

Fusion of fitness and environment friendly activity

According to data from the fitness app Lifesum, which allows users to input and track calories burned while plogging, this new eco-friendly fitness craze burns around 288 calories on average compared to 235 calories on average for jogging. That’s probably because each time you bend down to grab something you're essentially doing a squat each time. Win-win!   [embed][/embed]

Ban the Bag

Plastic pollution is killing our marine life. Greenpeace says 30 per cent of the world’s turtles and 90 per cent of seabird species have now ingested plastic debris. That’s a shocking statistic we have the power to change. “Currently, Australians use an estimated four to six billion plastic bags each year. That’s 10 million bags every day. Every minute, we send 7,150 plastic bags to landfill. But 80 million plastic bags never make it to landfill, and instead end up in our litter stream, killing 100,000 birds and marine life every year. On average, it’s estimated we use a single-use plastic bag (like you’d find at Coles and Woolies) for just 12 minutes. And that same bag could take up to 1,000 years to break down. A plastic bag you use today will share this planet with your great great great great great great great great great great great great grandchildren.” Head over to The Project’s campaign to support Clean Up Australia’s urgent call to #BanTheBag.   [embed][/embed]
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